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Case study

Efficiency in energy use at Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel

09:41 - 07/07/2024


Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel Company focuses on prioritizing energy management solutions and advanced technical measures to achieve efficient energy usage.

Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel, the largest subsidiary of Hoa Phat Group, was established in February 2017. It is the investor in the Hoa Phat Integrated Iron and Steel Complex located in the Dung Quat Economic Zone, Quang Ngai Province.
Given its multi-sector industrial manufacturing, including intensive steel production that consumes significant amounts of electricity, water, and coal, Hoa Phat Dung Quat places a high priority on energy conservation and emission reduction. To enhance energy efficiency, the company has trained its staff in energy and emission control.
Hoa Phat Dung Quat has organized a training program called "Energy Manager" for its employees.
Mr. Ngo Van Cuong, from the technical department of Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel, reported that to reduce national grid electricity consumption, the company utilizes waste heat from coke and blast furnaces for power generation. The waste heat and gases generated from the coke and steel production process are recovered and used for electricity production, meeting 80% of the complex's electricity needs.
Additionally, the company employs the Coke Dry Quenching (CDQ) technology for power generation. This method saves up to 10% of the electricity used across the complex, amounting to over 15 million kWh saved per month, or over 180 million kWh annually.
The application of this technology enables Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel to be self-sufficient in power for its production needs.
Furthermore, the company also uses waste heat from sintering machines to reduce electricity consumption. Specifically, the SHRT system recycles waste heat to cool the large rings and estacks in the sintering process, transferring it to a boiler to heat water. This superheated steam is then used to drive turbines, reducing the power consumption of sintering fans by up to 60%, saving over 11 million kWh monthly, or over 130 million kWh annually.
At traditional plate rolling and billet casting plants, the company maximizes the use of hot-charged billets to enhance energy efficiency. At the QSP plant, billets are directly rolled through a tunnel furnace, further conserving energy.
Blast furnace at Hoa Phat Dung Quat 2 Iron and Steel Production Complex.
In the Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel Complex, the company utilizes a Blast Furnace Pressure Recovery Turbine (BPRT) technology, which recovers the surplus thermal and pressure energy from the top gas of the blast furnace, directly offsetting the energy used by blast furnace fans. This solution saves up to 35% of the electricity used in iron production, conserving more than 13 million kWh monthly, or over 145 million kWh annually.
To establish an effective energy management system, the company has implemented energy management standards according to ISO 50001. The energy recovery and efficient usage solutions employed by Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel have not only enhanced the competitiveness of Hoa Phat steel but also contributed to addressing the current challenges faced by the power sector.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), iron and steel production is one of the major energy-consuming industries, accounting for over 15% of total energy used across all industrial sectors.

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