Friday, 20/09/2024 | 04:49

Case study

NASILKMEX saves more than 2 billion VND each year thanks to apply energy efficiency and conservation solutions

10:21 - 06/12/2023


Thanks to the thorough application of energy-efficient solutions, Nam Dinh Silk Joint Stock Company (NASILKMEX) has reduced energy costs from around 1.8 billion VND per month to just over 1.6 billion VND per month.

According to the statistics of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, the cost of input materials, with electricity production accounts for 12-13% of the total cost of textile and apparel products. In particular, outdated machinery, lack of electricity, and fuel-saving awareness in enterprises push these costs even higher, affecting production efficiency.
Aware of this issue, NASILKMEX has been implementing electricity-saving measures for many years, benefiting the company by tens of billions of VND and contributing to reducing electricity consumption and alleviating power shortages in the province of Nam Dinh.
Nam Dinh Silk Joint Stock Company has proactively invested in equipment and technology to save energy. (Photo: Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group)
Determined in management
Mr. Vu The Duong - a member of the energy committee of NASILKMEX, stated that energy accounts for a significant portion of production costs. In the direction of green production and sustainable development, reducing energy costs is a priority for the company's leadership.
The company has been actively enhancing communication, and education, raising awareness, and forming proactive awareness for each employee to use electricity efficiently. Each factory establishes regulations on ensuring safety and electricity saving in operating production equipment and lighting systems in workshops; employees are required to strictly adhere to these regulations.
Moreover, NASILKMEX has established an Energy Management Committee consisting of company leaders and members from various factories, outlining the specific functions and responsibilities of each member, and developing and promulgating energy usage policies. Members directly involved in the Energy Management Committee are prioritized for training, acquiring knowledge about efficient energy use, and subsequently disseminating, propagating, and applying it to the employees. Energy-saving teams regularly inspect and monitor the consumption needs of equipment.
Promote technology investment
In addition to raising awareness among employees, NASILKMEX has innovated its production lines, investing in upgrading and enhancing the lifespan of equipment with high energy efficiency. This ensures a stable supply of electricity, steam, and water for the production lines, steadily reducing energy consumption step by step.
The company has implemented the installation of inverters in the compressed air area of the fiber plant; Installed a rooftop solar energy system; and Installed electricity, steam, and water meters to monitor and calculate detailed energy consumption in each area and department.
Mr. Vu The Duong shared: Every year, the company exports a large amount of products. Currently, the environmental standards requirements of importing markets are very stringent. To meet the market requirements, the company has increased investment in innovative equipment with modern machinery that uses less electricity and water. "To obtain green production certification, the company has invested in biomass-fired boilers (using materials such as wood, husks, pellets) instead of coal-fired boilers." - Mr. Duong said.
Thanks to the rigorous implementation of energy-saving and efficient solutions, Nam Dinh Silk Joint Stock Company (Nam Dinh Silk) has reduced energy costs from around 1.8 billion VND per month to just over 1.6 billion VND per month.
With the advantage of a complete supply chain from Fiber - Weaving - Dyeing, Nam Dinh Silk Joint Stock Company has developed high-quality fabric products. (Photo: Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group)
Energy efficiency measures have indeed brought long-term benefits to textile and garment businesses. Managing and innovating energy-saving technologies is a crucial factor for businesses in the industry to reduce costs, lower product prices, and enhance competitive capabilities.
With a series of energy-saving and efficient solutions, Nam Dinh Silk Joint Stock Company is considered a model for effective energy management and cleaner production process. It serves as a reference and application guide for other businesses.
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the energy-saving potential of the textile and garment industry is still up to 20%. Therefore, technological innovation and continuous technical improvement are essential solutions for textile and garment businesses to utilize energy efficiently, increase labor productivity, and enhance competitiveness.

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